Is the game suitable for families?


Yes it is suitable for families & singles above the age of 16

Is it dark inside the room?


Each room has its own atmosphere and characteristics, ask the game master while booking.

Do you have a span machine?


Yes, we at MazeBox always take the extra mile to ensure that our guests are fully comfortable in each possible way.

Do you allow food & beverages inside the room?


Unfortunately not, as MazeBox rooms are equipped with high tech elements that might be damaged by fluids.

Do you deduct from our time if we are late?


We don’t if the room you booked has no booking after yours.

Is the game suitable for kids?


Yes, if they were accompanied by adults.

Is it suitable for claustrophobic people?


Yes it is, MazeBox design team have taken into consideration such an aspect where rooms were designed to have proper space that accommodate up to 10 players in one place.

Do you allow mobile phones inside the room during the game?


Unfortunately not, players needs to be totally isolated with zero tech distraction. Also taking pictures inside the room is not allowed.

When is the best time to be at MazeBox?


The best time to be at MazeBox is 10 minutes prior to your reservation time.

If there a possibility for a late comer from a certain group to catch up with the team inside?


Yes it is possible.

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